America has a problem with taking other cultures food, completely changing it, and then acting like it is exactly like that cultures food. America’s Taco Bell for example is often called Mexican food, but if you google images of true Mexican food you can easily tell they are nothing alike. When you type Mexican food into your phone how many places come up that have actual Mexican cuisine? Maybe none. Another prime example is “Japanese” steak houses. As someone who has experienced true Japanese cuisine the shit they call Japanese is not even close to actual Japanese cuisine. Chinese cuisine has also fallen victim to the American food. If food is claiming it is something it should actually be what it says it is. When I want to eat cuisine from a certain culture it should be an accurate representation of what the food is, not some not even attempting to be the same kinda food. As someone who loves to experience all different types of food, i don’t want some Americanized version.
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